A Cure From The Heart!

You Take It Easy! We Take Care Of You!
Healing You, Head to Toe
一、已通过临床对照试验,证明针灸是一种有效的治疗方法的疾病、症状有controlled clinical trials have proved that acupuncture is an effective treatment of diseases and symptoms include::
01.放疗和/或化疗的不良反应 . Adverse reactions of radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy
02.过敏性鼻炎(包括花粉病)Allergic rhinitis (including pollen disease)
03.胆绞痛 Changcolic
04.抑郁症(包括抑郁性神经症和中风后的抑郁症) Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression after a stroke)
05.急性细菌性痢疾 Acute bacterial dysentery
06.原发性痛经Primary dysmenorrhea
07.急性胃脘痛(消化性溃疡、急性和慢性胃炎、胃痉挛)Acute epigastric pain (peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, gastric spasm)
08.面部疼痛(包括颅颌功能紊乱)Facial pain (including cranial and jaw dysfunction)
10.原发性高血压Primary hypertension
11.原发性低血压Primary hypotension
12.引产Lead introduction
13.膝关节疼痛 Knee pain
15.腰痛Low back pain
16.胎位不正Incorrect fetal position
17.妊娠呕吐 Pregnational vomiting
18.恶心和呕吐Nausea and vomiting
19.颈部疼痛Neck pain
20.口腔疼痛(包括牙齿疼痛和颞颌关节功能障碍)Oral pain (including dental pain and TMJ dysfunction)
22.术后疼痛Postoperative pain
23.肾绞痛Kidney colic
24.类风湿关节炎Rheumatoid arthritis
28.网球肘Tennis elbow
二、已初步证明针灸有效,但仍需进一步研究的疾病与症状有Acupuncture and moxibustion have been preliminarily proved effective, but the diseases and symptoms that still need to be further studied are:
29.腹痛(急性胃肠炎或因胃肠痉挛引起的)Abdominal pain (acute gastroenteritis or resulting from gastrointestinal spasm)
30.寻常痤疮Common acne
31.酒精依赖和解毒Alcohol dependence and detoxification
32.贝尔氏麻痹(面瘫)Bell's paralysis (facial paralysis)
33.支气管哮喘Bronchial asthma
34.癌症疼痛Cancer pain
35.心脏神经官能症 Cardioneurosis
36.慢性胆囊炎急性发作 Acute attack of chronic cholecystitis
38.竞争压力症候群Competitive stress syndrome
39.闭合性颅脑损伤Closed craniocerebral injury
40.非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
41.耳痛 Earache
42.流行性出血热Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
43.流鼻血(狭义,不含广义或原发性疾病)Nonosebleed (narrow, excluding generalized or primary disease)
44.结膜下注射引起的眼痛Eye pain caused by subconjunctival injection
45.女性不孕Female infertility
46.面肌痉挛Face muscle spasm
47.女性尿道综合征Female urethral syndrome
48.纤维肌痛和筋膜炎Fibromyalgia and fasciitis
49.胃动力功能障碍 Stomach dynamic dysfunction
50.痛风性关节炎Gout arthritis
51.乙型肝炎病毒携带状态Hepatitis B virus carrying status
52.带状疱疹(人(阿尔法)疱疹病毒3 )Herpes zoster (human (alpha) herpes herpes virus 3)
54.卵巢功能减退Ovarian dysfunction
55.失眠 Insomnia
56.分娩痛Birth pain
57.哺乳不足Insufficient lactation
58.非器质性男性性功能障碍 Non-organic male sexual dysfunction
59.梅尼埃病Menier's disease
60.神经痛(带状疱疹后) Neuropathic pain (after herpes zoster)
61.神经性皮炎Neural dermatitis
62.肥胖 Obesity
63.鸦片、可卡因和海洛因依赖Opium, cocaine, and heroin dependence
65.内视镜检查引起的疼痛 Pain caused by endoscopy
66.血栓闭塞性脉管炎疼痛 Thrombotic Pulvasitis Pain
67.多囊卵巢综合征(斯坦-综合征)Polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-syndrome)
68.儿童气管拨管后 Child tracheal dial in children
69.术后恢复期 Postoperative recovery period
71.慢性前列腺炎Chronic prostatitis
73.神经根疼痛和肌筋膜疼痛综合征Neuroroot pain and myofascial pain syndrome
74.原发性雷诺氏综合征Primary Reynolds syndrome
75.下泌尿道复发性感染Lower urinary tract recurrent infection
76.交感神经营养不良(反射性)Sympathetic malnutrition (Reflectivity)
77.尿潴留(外伤)Urinary retention (trauma)
79.药物性唾腺分泌过多Excessive secretion of drug spit glands
80.干燥综合征Sjogren's syndrome
81.喉咙痛(包括扁桃体炎)pain throat (including tonsillitis)
82.急性脊椎疼痛Acute spinal pain
83.颈部僵硬Neck stiffness
84.颞下颌关节功能障碍 Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
85.肋软骨炎Ristal chondrodroitis
86.烟草依赖 Tobacco dependence
87.抽动—秽语综合征Extraction- -Tourette Syndrome
88.慢性溃疡性结肠炎 Chronic ulcerative colitis
89.尿路结石Urinary tract stones
90.血管性痴呆Vasascular dementia